Edward Morris, and Dmitri Siegel | Slideshow

Destroy This Book

Destroy This Book: Slideshow: Slide 5

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Jason Hardy, Let’s Ride

A bicycle is a beautifully simple machine. Two wheels, a frame, and a crank — that’s all you need. So I wanted to make a simple poster celebrating one of those key components — the wheel. The call to action is equally simple: Let’s Ride. I chose a light green for the background to touch on the environmental benefits of cycling and also because, as we all know, green means go. Cutting carbon can be fun, too — get a crew and let’s ride!”
— JH

Designed for PowertothePoster.org, 2009; modified for Green Patriot Posters, 2010.

GO FURTHER: criticalmass.wikia.com

Jobs | September 28